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2 votes

Show Images using Offset (with Tooltip Option) for Linked Variations

Right now you can only show the first attribute of linked variations as product images. It would be nice if you could do that for each attribute and select an offset to use specific images from each product gallery. If for example your 2nd image (first additional image in the gallery) is always showing the…

Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
2 votes

Rename attributes - linked variations

Hi, could you guys please make it possible to rename an attribute displayed as linked variation? The attribute name isn’t always understable for a choise to be made as variation. If you need more information, please let me know. Have a great day!

Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
1 vote

Allow a custom title for each attribute in a group

In the linked variations plugin, consider as an example some products are linked by the “Color” attribute. Instead of the title to say “Color” and then to list the variations, allow the admin to change the title to something like “Choose from an available color”

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
1 vote

Show color options on product archive page

In the link variation plugin, I want to show the color options on the product archive page. While showing the linked product images on the product page, I want the color boxes to be displayed on the archive page and if possible, the product image to change when hovering over it.

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 1 comment
1 vote

show variation color instead of first image of product linked

Hi, Thank you for your plugin : Linked Variations ! It could be very helpful for us 🙂 However, I would like to know if it is possible to show variations color preview (our theme enables it) instead of showing first image of product linked. Please find enclosed a screenshot showing than it will be…

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 1 comment
3 votes

Remove variant selection when only one available

This should be very easy to implement. Say I have a black t-shirt and a white t-shirt linked. The black is out of stock. Then I don’t want to show the white t-shirt option to the user. It makes no sense. I got a snippet from support to remove it using javascript. But that creates…

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 1 comment
3 votes

Linked Variations on the admin product page

On the admin product page, show the links for this product with the possibility to add a new links (It could be a tab like shipping and attributes). It would be a nice feature and save the work of having to open linked list after a new product is created.

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 2 comments
2 votes

Link products by tag

I have a store of 5000 products. It will be more convenient for me to link my products based on tag. I just need to set the correct tag in Linked Variations section instead of finding and adding products manually.

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
2 votes

Preloader animation on click for Linked Variations

Add an option for image/loader/animation when the item variation is selected? This would be different than a page loader, but before the page starts loading there is a delay for the initial response. Users dont think they clicked it and click it again or bounce on the page. There is something just like this on…

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 0 comments