Disable Delivery Date Based On Chosen Shipping Method

It’s possible to disable specific delivery dates based on the selected shipping method. You will need to add a code snippet to your child theme’s functions.php file:

 * Modify dates based on shipping method.
 * @param array  $available_dates
 * @param string $format
 * @param bool   $ignore_slots
 * @return array
function iconic_modify_delivery_dates( $available_dates, $format, $ignore_slots ) {
	global $jckwds;

	$chosen_method = $jckwds->get_chosen_shipping_method();

	if ( 'flat_rate:3' === $chosen_method ) {
		// Remove these dates if chosen method is flat_rate:5.
		$remove = array( '20210102', '20210103' );

		// If the format is not array, then we need to cast the
		// "remove" dates to the  required format.
		if ( 'array' !== $format ) {
			foreach ( $remove as $key => $ymd ) {
				$remove[ $key ] = date( $format, strtotime( $ymd ) );

		foreach ( $available_dates as $key => $available_date ) {
			$date = 'array' === $format ? $available_date['ymd'] : $available_date;

			if ( ! in_array( $date, $remove, true ) ) {

			unset( $available_dates[ $key ] );

	// `array_values()` resets the array keys so the default date is index "0".
	return array_values( $available_dates );

add_filter( 'iconic_wds_available_dates', 'iconic_modify_delivery_dates', 10, 3 );

This method does require knowing the selected shipping method value. This is more often than not in the format [method_name]:[instance_id] (for example, flat_rate:5).

To find the method name and instance ID, you can do the following:

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Delivery Slots > General Settings.
  2. In the Shipping Methods section, right-click on one of the shipping method checkboxes.
  3. Click Inspect to open the browser inspector.
  4. This will reveal the input field and its value. The value is the shipping method you want to use in the code above: 

WooCommerce Delivery Slots

Choose a delivery date and time for each order. Add a limit to the number of allowed reservations, restrict time slots to specific delivery methods, and so much more.

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