Troubleshoot: Saved Images Disappear After Saving

If your saved images are disappearing after saving the product, it could be an issue with the number of inputs (option fields) your server allows to be submitted.

Note: This is quite technical to fix, but most hosting providers will do it for you when asked.

To stop this from happening, take the following steps:

  1. Access your website via FTP and find the .htaccess file. This file should sit in the root folder of your website, alongside folders like wp-admin, wp-includes, and wp-content.
  2. Add the following line to the top or bottom of the file: php_value max_input_vars 1000
  3. Save the file and try saving your product again. The images should now be saved.

If some of the fields still aren’t saving, try increasing the value from 1000.

If you need to ask your host to do it, you can ask them to “increase my max input vars setting to 1000”.

WooCommerce Product Configurator

Use transparent image layers for your variable products, removing the need to create hundreds of final product variation images.

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