1 vote
Add option to rewrite URLs of images for gallery to serve them from CDN. Right now this could be done with the following hook: // ******************** // Iconic Woothumbs: serve swiper images from CDN add_action( ‘iconic_woothumbs_all_images_data’, ‘add_cdn_to_single_image_data’, 10, 2); function add_cdn_to_single_image_data( $images, $product_id ){ if (is_array( $images )) { for ($i = 0; $i $value) { if (mb_strpos($key, ‘url’) !== false || mb_strpos($key, ‘src’) !== false) { $images[$i][$key] = str_replace(‘your-site.com’, ‘cdn.your-site.com’,$images[$i][$key]); } } } } return $images; }
Under Review Category: WooThumbs MichaelSL shared this idea