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2 votes

Add quantity from wish list

It would be interesting to add the units function to the favorites list, so that purchases are faster from said function

Planned Category: Wishlists 0 comments
2 votes

Image Swap Offset (Select Swapped Image)

Hello, it would be nice if you could choose which image will be shown on hover. This could work by adding an offset option that allows you to select which of the images inside of your gallery should be shown on top of the featured image. Example: If you set an offset of 3, the…

Planned Category: Image Swap 0 comments
2 votes

Show Images using Offset (with Tooltip Option) for Linked Variations

Right now you can only show the first attribute of linked variations as product images. It would be nice if you could do that for each attribute and select an offset to use specific images from each product gallery. If for example your 2nd image (first additional image in the gallery) is always showing the…

Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
2 votes

Show Fee in Attribute Column

At the moment you can not see any fees for attributes in the overview. Please add a column that shows the fees for each attribute. PS: It would be nice if you could also quick edit fees. I'm writing this here as I forgot to include this in my other request (https://iconicwp.com/feature-requests/enable-quick-edit-for-attribute-swatch-images-groups/) and can't make…

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 0 comments
2 votes

Extend Filter by date in admin via custom WordPress filter

We have a requirement to by easily able to filter orders by date in the main admin Orders list. You drive options for Today/Tomorrow, then by month. We have a requirement to add in options for “In 2 days”, “In 3 Days” for a week. I would suggest making this menu flexible by filtering the…

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
2 votes

Functionality of checkout to be included in reservation table

Functionality of auto-selecting the earliest time slot, and able to choose one day to slot in (e.g. Choosing which Tuesday you’d like that delivery to happen), showing only that day on the reservation time slots (e.g. Making tuesday deliveries but can choose which tuesday)

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
2 votes

Rename attributes - linked variations

Hi, could you guys please make it possible to rename an attribute displayed as linked variation? The attribute name isn’t always understable for a choise to be made as variation. If you need more information, please let me know. Have a great day!

Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
2 votes

Make the checkout right side window more compact.

Would love to see an option to make the checkout right side window more compact. Right now there are big margins, large photos, and large descriptions making it difficult to see at a glance, especially if there is more than one or two products. I’ve attached an example of a Shopify store that does this…

Category: Flux Checkout 0 comments