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Create a Cart Notice that will display dynamic, actionable messages to customers

Add notice to cart and checkout with conditions based on whether products or product categories are in the cart or are not in the cart. There are a few plugins that attempt this but don’t do it well. Like this:- https://woocommerce.com/products/cart-notices/ My use case is simple. I want to show a message on the cart…

Category: General 0 comments
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Use Multiple Time Slots when necessary

Based on the size of the cart and/or attributes of cart items, allow multiple time slots to be used during checkout. For example, my bakery can take 10 orders for lightly decorated cakes each Saturday, but we can only handle 2 super-fancy cakes. We have attributes and pricing that reflect the complexity of the cake…

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
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Conditional availability of timeslots

My feature request is to enable selecting certain timeslots only for member (who bought specific membership)? and show only limited/no slots to others? For example: for a shopping site, we can enable certain type of prioritize or free delivery only to the members who subscribed for the specific type of membership. Rest of the registered…

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
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improve overflow "slider" option of variation swatches

When setting the overflow option to “Slider” of “How to display swatches with a large number of attributes” in the “Variation swatches” plugin, And then using the “linked variations” plugin to link a large number of simple products with community attributes, set the “style” to”inherit swatch settings”, the selected option of “overflow” can’t work in…

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 0 comments
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Out of stock class on swatch when using multiple attributes

When a variation is out of stock, we need to show to customer by greying it out, but it still has to be clickable/selectable to be able to use waitlist feature. When the variable product only has one attribute (ex. size), the class iconic-was-swatches__item–out-of-stock is added to the one that is out of stock, but…

Started Category: Attribute Swatches 3 comments
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Add Product IDs to Swatch data

Here’s a way that the swatches plugin could provide the product (or variation) ID as a data attribute. It would allow developers to utilize that ID and show any variation specific data they want (Title, Price, Add to Cart action, etc.) Here’s how it would be possible: In class-products.php there is a variable called $first_variation_id….

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 0 comments
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I would need the API endpoints for read and write operations. This is for the mobile app development for the selection of the delivery slot.

Category: Delivery Slots 2 comments
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Reservation table responsive breakpoints

Issue: A high proportion of use cases involve showing 5-7 days in advance which looks fine on most desktop/tablet devices. But it runs off the screen on mobile. We could set it to 4 columns on all devices, but then it seems a shame not to display more columns on devices that can handle it….

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
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Need to be able to put delivery slots on multiple pages

Need the ability to add this to multiple pages creating multiple delivery schedules so that multiple clients pages can be added to an existing domain I.e xyz.com/jbsofas Xyz.com/tvstore This enables us to handle all the slots for all the companies

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments