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2 votes

Show account login link when booking a slot

With the new “book a slot” feature, it would be best to allow/encourage someone to log in to retrieve their saved address – rather than asking them to fill the address in manually. Encouraging the login will also then help for things like “abandoned cart” features.

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
2 votes

OR logic

It is possible to do this with four configurator layers (two duplicate sets) but it could be done with 2 if OR logic was supported. “IF ‘Orientation=1’ AND ‘Side=Front’ OR ‘Orientation=2’ AND Side=back” on one layer and “IF ‘Orientation=2’ AND ‘Side=Front’ OR ‘Orientation=1′ AND Side=back’

Planned Category: Product Configurator 0 comments
2 votes

Public Wishlist when logged in

When you create a new public whislist you need to fill in your Name and Email, even when logged in to WordPress. When logged in to WordPress (Woocommerce, Buddypress, etc.) the wishlist should take that information automatically from the User Profile. There should also be an option in the settings that makes public Wishlists available…

Planned Category: Wishlists 0 comments
2 votes

Allow sharing of private wishlists

Currently, wishlists can be created as public or private. There is an option to share a public wishlist, but not a private wishlist. The benefit of a private list, is that is not publicly accessible, however, not being able to share that list if you choose to, limits the ability to generate sales. An example…

Planned Category: Wishlists 0 comments
2 votes

Bring back support for Klaviyo to Woo with Flux Checkout

Klaviyo is a pretty popular email system and allows for precise targeting based on user activity on the ecomm websites. It already provides the connection to WooCommerce, which allows for tracking for basic checkout events out of box. However, right now it’s not tracking “Started checkout” event when Flux checkout is activated because the fields…

Under Review Category: Flux Checkout 0 comments
2 votes

Link products by tag

I have a store of 5000 products. It will be more convenient for me to link my products based on tag. I just need to set the correct tag in Linked Variations section instead of finding and adding products manually.

Under Review Category: Linked Variations 0 comments
2 votes

Differente swatch size for shop page

When setting size for images swatch, this size is used in the product page and, if enabled, in shop pages also. But we should be able to set a different size for the shop page, which doesn’t occur.

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 2 comments