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1 vote

improve overflow "slider" option of variation swatches

When setting the overflow option to “Slider” of “How to display swatches with a large number of attributes” in the “Variation swatches” plugin, And then using the “linked variations” plugin to link a large number of simple products with community attributes, set the “style” to”inherit swatch settings”, the selected option of “overflow” can’t work in…

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 0 comments
5 votes

conditional logic expanded.

The conditional logic plugin is helpful, but it would be more helpful if entire attributes were conditional. Let me explain… If I have a shirt for men, I have only colors for men. Likewise for female and hoodies. The same is also true for long sleeve. All of these have different colors depending on the…

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 3 comments
2 votes

Delivery week

To have the option to choose a delivery week instead of just a delivery day. So the customer can choose a date but this is for the week ( you have until friday to pick up your order)

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
8 votes

Allow visual editing of Flux Checkout

The ability to edit Flux Checkout visually would be a huge improvement and i’m very surprised the function isn’t already available, especially with the cost of it. Elemetor compatibility especially would be ideal

Under Review Category: Flux Checkout 3 comments
1 vote

Out of stock class on swatch when using multiple attributes

When a variation is out of stock, we need to show to customer by greying it out, but it still has to be clickable/selectable to be able to use waitlist feature. When the variable product only has one attribute (ex. size), the class iconic-was-swatches__item–out-of-stock is added to the one that is out of stock, but…

Started Category: Attribute Swatches 3 comments
3 votes

ASAP delivery start time

There is a cutoff time for asap delivery. Why is there no option also for start time of ASAP delivery? Its really confusing cause people cannot order till midnight, but at 0:01 they can order a things and they thought they will receive them ASAP. LOL this must be a default funcionality.

Category: Delivery Slots 1 comment
3 votes

Free delivery after spending X amount.

This feature would be very beneficial for those who offer delivery and shipping. The feature should allow “zero delivery fee” after X amount reached. For example: Same-Day delivery and Next-Day delivery fee would be waived if the customer spends more than $100. It’s more confusing to integrate delivery time slot to another woocommerce shipping method…

Category: Delivery Slots 0 comments
1 vote

Add Product IDs to Swatch data

Here’s a way that the swatches plugin could provide the product (or variation) ID as a data attribute. It would allow developers to utilize that ID and show any variation specific data they want (Title, Price, Add to Cart action, etc.) Here’s how it would be possible: In class-products.php there is a variable called $first_variation_id….

Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches 0 comments