5 votes
The conditional logic plugin is helpful, but it would be more helpful if entire attributes were conditional. Let me explain… If I have a shirt for men, I have only colors for men. Likewise for female and hoodies. The same is also true for long sleeve. All of these have different colors depending on the type of garment. I would like to swap out attributes based on other attributes. Think of it has a branch flow. As follows men –> short sleeve or long sleeve –> –> if short sleeve –> short sleeve color options –> if long sleeve –> long sleeve color options The same flow above would be available for women and hoodie As it is now the only was I can see around this is to have a master color list. The problem then becomes for each variation, all the colors will show, but not all are available. Unless I’m misunderstanding something this is getting closer but needs a few more tweaks. I am very pleased with being able to swap out the graphic per style, ie –> men vs women vs hoodie vs men long vs women long. As all mockups generate graphics differently per garment.
Under Review Category: Attribute Swatches kdetwieler shared this idea